` MakeZapier: Seamless App and API Integrations with Make.com, Zapier, and n8n

for the AI world

Transforming Businesses with Zapier, Make
and N8N in the AI-Connected scene

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More than 2K apps

Automations as you never seen before

Building workflows with top apps and APIs, integrating AIs like GPT and Mindjourney.

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Trusted by millions of users.

Enhance your business efficiency and save money with the market's most powerful automation tools


Streamlining processes has never been easier! The make elevated our efficiency. Grateful for making our workflow seamless

Sophie Turner

Chief Operating Officer


Zapier, ClickUP and Airtable form the perfect trio for workflows! They simplified our integrations, saving time and effort. Highly recommended.

Alexei Petrov

IT Analyst


The automation has revolutionized our approach. They turned complex tasks into straightforward actions. Impressed with the results!

Elena Rodriguez

Marketing Manager


As a developer, I love the versatility provided by Makezapier with the N8N. They eased app and API integration, accelerating our projects. Incredible!

Lucas Santos

Senior Developer


Flexible Monthly Plans for Individuals and Businesses

Basic support

We will be your support team when you need solve issues and fix something wrong anytime



Standard support

Support and up to 3 hours per month for developing update or create new workflows



Premium support

Support and up to 12 hours by month to keep working in your projects continuously



Custom development

Give us the details about your automation project and we bring it to the life

This order process is provided by Stripe, who handle all payment services and invoicing. Need more information? You can always reach us at team@makezapier.com